Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Whats wrong with cricket?

Owing to the sudden and unprecedented  increase in the level of interest in my blogs (had all of  two visits in the last month) i am back in the blogging business.

Because of a temporary dip in confidence about my capabilities as a movie critic this is not going to be a about movies. I want to talk about cricket.  Another area about which i am uniquely unqualified to write.

I know what you are thinking.. here is another "day after" pundit going off about how India lacks the killer instinct or why the fab four (or three?)  should retire . Don't worry i am not going to do any of that.  I want to talk about the game of cricket. How the game has some fundamental flaws which will cause its demise as a spectator sport.

I have only seen one cricket match at the ground. Australia was playing India in Cochin. The first international match in kerala. Stadium was jam packed , we were inside the stadium from 7 am for the match starting at 9 . Although there was to be 21 other players who were going to be in action on that day , there was no doubt that majority in the stadium (me incuded) was there to see the great Tendulkar. His dual with shane warne was  one for the ages and we all hoped that we would see something special that day. 
Match started , India was batting first . 5'th ball Tendulkar Out!!!  Although India won that match, it got me thinking.  Is it fair that a player as talented as Tendulkar be forced to sit out the rest of the match (he can field and bowl but we are not there to see him do that). He made one mistake , a momentary lapse in  concentration and his is match is over. and the match is over for the millions of his fans too.  I have tried  researching and did not find a comparable rule any where else. I guess they all knew that its sensible to keep your players on the field doing what they do best rather than have a rule which kicks them out of the game for making a single mistake.  How about giving an option to the team of either bringing the batsman in when he gets out or allowing him to continue but the runs scored by him would be reduced from the total? 

Another thing that bothers me about cricket is its lack of short term goals.  The teams can control the tempo of the game and matches slow down as teams go on the defensive when they are in trouble or when they have  50 overs to score 15o runs. This makes good cricketing sense but kills it as a spectator sports. There should be rule changes that force teams from slowing down the game. one could be to dock a run for every three consecutive dot balls or something like that.

With 20/20 cricket has probably unearthed the format that will ensure its popularity for another 100 years and maybe increase cricket's geographic reach. But i am willing to bet that
 the one days and the test format will die in another 10-15 years. Remember you read it here first!


harish said...

so..finally you did it...the numerous cricketing discussions have transformed into words now..

Eventhough the 'unpredictability' of the game is the most unique and thrilling thing abt cricket , it is true that even a star studded game may be boring if the stars dont persist throughout the game..

Like 20/20 evolved , I believe more interesting forms would evolve which will suit the needs of the generation.Some things that could address your version of shortcomings of cricket could be

1.>1 chance for the batsman.
2.A short term goal of maintaining the run rate at any point of the game.

Hope more cricket pundits are thinking about these things or they should read errorblog.

Good one dude...continue to write about controversial things like these and then we commenters will have something to comment....

jai hind.

harish said...

dude....please remove the itchy 'WORD VERIFICATION' thing from the comments section....

Also , we commenters demand freedom of commenting.so please remove the comment moderation...comon dude..be brave..let the comments storm :-)

mahesh said...

allright eror(B)log is now open for comments from anyone at anytime..

harish said...

thanks man.
you proved yourself brave :-)

sindhu said...

welcome back to the world of blogging, but what u have written makes very lil sense to me as I am a novice in that area!I firmly believe that other sports say hockey and its players should recieve the same adulation that cricket recieves...

harish said...

comon man...where is your "akkara kaazhchakal" review? ingane madi pidichalo.....

harish said...

how come comment moderation is still on for errorblog? i tht you started showing some bravery lately ;-)

sindhu said...

Mahesh, come and collect your award...and I expect a speech, an acceptance speech too